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Monday, October 29, 2012

Bossa n' Ramones

I am up to my eyeballs in work, and there's a lot I want to mention here on my blog, but since my time is crunched and the "FrankenStorm" is on its way, I figure I'll just mention my favorite CD at the present time. I will definitely be playing this at future book signings and parties for the "Best of PUNK Magazine" book which comes out in just a few months:

"Bossa n' Ramones


It came out several years ago (2008) but somehow escaped my notice...  Cherie Currie and Angie Bowie both appear on tracks. This is the most imaginative and honest Ramones tribute I've probably ever heard. Here's the track listing: 

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend

I Just Wanna Have Something To Do

She's a Sensation

Poison Heart

Beat On The Brat

I Wanna Be Sedated

Sheena Is A Punk Rocker

Rockaway Beach

Pet Sematary

Blitzkrieg Bop

The KKK Took My Baby Away

I highly recommend this for any Ramones fan. I found it on eBay or Amazon, whatever, so get a copy for yourself or a friend for Christmas. It's like a new way to listen to your favorite Ramones songs, instead of the usual "tribute album" where people just imitate what the Ramones did and fall short (because they were so much better than anyone else of course). I know, most of us would assume something like this would be stupid and lame, but it's not, instead...

It's great!

Well, as most of you know, I always thought the Ramones should have added a bongo player to the band. I figured their music needed a new flavor... A new touch... A little Latino flavor to go with the band name. Just imagine if the Ramones had gone Bossa Nova back in the 1980s, instead of sticking with punk rock... Whew! 


6:57 am est

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Sorry for the late notice but apparently I am a last-minute addition to the panel discussion:

Wednesday, October 10th, at Jim Hanley's Universe on 33rd Street (in Manhattan), Patrick A. Reed is organizing 'A Celebration Of Pop Music Comics', a panel discussion & party.  Things will start at 7pm, free beer will be onhand, there will be signings with creators, music will play, people will buy stuff, things will be awesome.



5:52 pm est

Tuesday, October 2, 2012



I just heard from Johan Kugelberg, the curator for the Hayward Gallery show in London. It is a huge success! I am not used to this, since most art shows I have been involved in were either complete fiascoes or else totally ignored by the media, but it's true! It's true. My work is being showcased in an important London art gallery in a show about Punk Art that is being seen as important, significant, cool and crazy.


Okay, SO MANY things are happening for me that I can barely figure it out. Anyhow I am going to a test-screening for the CBGB Film soon. Don't expect a review or spoilers, since I am so involved in it that I can't be objective.

Also, the day I got back from London, I went to this show at a NYC Museum, which actually exhibited one of my drawings!!! 

The New Museum: Come Closer

And, and and... I will be appearing at a panel discussion related to this exhibit, hopefully the "Best of PUNK Magazine book will ba available by then:

Parallel Lines: Visual Art, CBGB, and Downtown Nightlife

More later!


10:26 pm est

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